So this is horribly out of date, but since I just finished planning a trans-atlantic wedding I figure it`s allowed.
Back in June via the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild, I heard about The Lions Gate quilters guild show in my hood... North Van. So with my Mom and 2 year old niece Sophie in tow, we took a break from wedding planning drama, to look at some amazing and inspiring collection of quilts.
Friendly Beacon by R. Leslie Forbes
(Picture stolen with permission from Holly Broadland `cuz I was not organized enough to bring a camera with me!)
After a few highschool-esque stalking, and semi-covert glances overt stares I also had the chance to catch up with 2 lovely ladies from the new VMQG, our fearless leader Holly, and the lovely and talented Sonja.... It was so great to meet up with some other young and outgoing quilters.

Floating Squares (Picture stolen with permission from Holly Broadland)
The VMQG has now has 2 meetings which I have unfortunately missed due to the wedding, and bridal brain (aka having no concept what day of the week it is), but I can`t wait to catch up with Holly and Sonja, and meet the other 45ish members of the guild at the Aug 19th meeting.
Sarah, it was great to meet you at the quilt show and I look forward to seeing you at our August meeting!