In case you were wondering, our big To Do's for the upcoming year are (and how we decorated our place this Christmas Season, cuz who doesn't like getting a peek at other people's decor... or is it just me who loves peeking in windows to see how in people's rooms.... wait, that came out weird.... I'm not like a peeping Tom or anything, it's for research !:

Basement Reno - it's time that "spare" unused space in our basement started bringing home the bacon
New Roof- because the tarped roof look is so 2011!
Attic Insulation- time to bring our insulation into the 21st century, cuz in our climate R4 isn't gonna cut it

Paint the Exterior- yup, we're planning to say buh buy Smurf Blue, much to the relief of our neighbours!
Paint: the upper hallway, entry, living and dining room- I'm thinking really pale greige, something like our bedrooms
Installing closet doors: Yup, no more exposed linens or cleaning supplies for us!
Oh, and a not so sneeky peek at our last big project in 2011....
Big hugs, Sarah & H
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