Friday, April 19, 2013

District Permitting

As you may recall from this post, H and I have been wanting to convert our carport into a full fledged garage.  With a Mini Waffle on the way, we know storage is going to be at a premium around here (hello baby paraphernalia, I'm talking about you!)

So, a few weekends ago, I sat down to prep for a meeting with our city's permit department.  Considering it was 22 degrees C and sunny (in March!!), sitting outside to work was mandatory for this work.

Having discussed the requirements with our local permit peeps, I knew exactly what I needed to provide, I just had to sit my butt down and do it!  So, over several hours (and a few iced teas later), I managed to draft everything up to the appropriate scale....

I was not the only one slaving away in the sun however, while I was drawing up our reno plans,  H was doing this....

The soap, water, and a leather chamois way... because Windex is apparently not an acceptable way to clean windows in our house ;)

While the two of us were busy outside Nevada was working hard too....

On her doggy tan!  But I guess that's to be expected since she's a California girl!

And, today my hard work paid off because, I finally received this bit of awesomeness! 

Yay, for being able to draft up my own plans and saving thousands on architect fees, and hello carport reno!

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