Friday, June 5, 2009

Damaged Goods

Well, we are back from vacation, which was wonderful... However, just 1 day after getting back from holidays I have managed to re-injure my knee (my only injury from my former life as a figure skater!)-- yeah, I didn't hurt myself at all on our hiking holiday, but after hanging a new light fixture we bought while away, typical me!

After a day holed up at home feeling sore and sorry for myself, I just had to DO something, so I dug out the fabrics I have for SC3, and got to work on my log cabin block for Quay and Co. and my clean lined modern block for For the Journey.
L: For the Journey R: Quay and Co.
So far one block down, and one 90% done, now only if my knee was doing so well!


  1. Ooh, I hope you're feeling better soon. I love my block! Thank you. I can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I like my block too! But hey! you took my idea for dallas' block! it's probably for the better since i've never made a zig zag. :)

  3. How is your knee?? And, do we at least get to see a pic of this light fixture?


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