They have been primed and painted for ages.... Krylon's Ocean Breeze (I figure that the saying " Go Big or Go Home" applied here), and if I may say so myself, they look fab.
But, I couldn't for the life of me find the right lampshades... I mean seriously, I thought picking the paint colour was going to be the tough part, but MAN was I wrong.
Now, I don't know if I am either way ahead of fashion.... or seriously behind fashion, but who would have thought finding two plain white drum shades would be so difficult!
Being temporarily unemployed does have its advantages, allowing me the time to drive all over town looking for candidate lampshades. I searched everywhere I could think of, I think in total I dragged home about 8 different versions that I figured may possibly work- pleated, un-pleated, sloped, tan, white, shorter ones, longer ones... you get the picture.
I was about to pull out my hair and admit defeat when I had the sudden brainwave to try out Walmart, and what should I spy in their lampshade department...... white linen drumshades! Seriously I think the clouds parted and the angels sang, that's how awesome it was to finally be close to winning this battle.
So I snagged two and ran for the nearest check-out, a big cheesy grin on my face. And..... they look great, just what I was looking for.
Oh, yeah baby... a hot aqua base and a large and incharge lampshade! Now that is a statement piece... well since there are two of them, I guess they are statement pieces!! I can't wait until we finally buy our first house so we can get the buffet out of storage so I can see how they look in-situ.
And, if you ever thought that lampshades were not that important, take a look at this...

Cost breakdown:
- Lamp base (Salvation Army): 7.99
- Lampshade (Walmart): 14.98
- Spray Paint (Canadian Tire): 5.99- 1.86 (saving from Canadian Tire bucks that I found on the street outside our house, bonus!)
Total Project cost: $50 + tax for two custom modern lamps
FYI- For you Canadians out there looking for lampshades after Walmart I checked out Zellers, and found a virtually identical lampshade (same size, same linen look) for $24.99 each -- that`s almost double the price of Walmart!
Great job, Sarah! Your dedication to finding the right lampshades paid off!