Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm Bent into shape

My first homemade xmas gift of 2010 is in the bag. My SIL's bento quilt is done! H's requested "sparkles" are sparkling, and I LOVE it!

Here she is in all her glory.... stars and squares. Or as I named it, Stars2 ...written like stars to the power of 2 (I don't think blogger does "powers").

I kept the quilting pretty simple, I figured the quilt had a lot going on it didn't need a super complicated quilting pattern.

And I think that I love the back as much as the front. The stars were planned due to a backing fabric shortage (which came from my stash woohoo!) and as a way to use up my red scraps... 9 stars later I don't see much of a dent, but oh well! Oh yeah, the new labels, loving them!

Now to wrap 'er up and stick 'er under the tree.

1 comment:

  1. It's gorgeous! I also love the back just as much as the front. Great suggestion on the sparkles, H!



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